Don’t set for mediocrity, conquer your desires

Who are you truly and what are you capable of?

4 min readMar 29, 2023
Photo by Inga Gezalian on Unsplash

If you were to truly witness yourself giving everything you had to whatever you put your mind to:

you would probably exceed that which you couldn’t fathom.

But what is stopping us, from achieving our potential?

Is it that we need a reminder? Are we just Blaming others? Not being optimistic?

We will investigate this……

The detrimental effects of not giving it your all

Being comfortable with mediocrity can contribute to feeling regret, wasting our potential to produce something valuable, lack of achievement and anger with oneself. The consequences of sticking with a mediocrity mindset can translate into another aspect of your life whether that is:

  • dedicating time to a hobby/project — aiming for mediocrity in your activities can waste the resources you invested, time that is limited and energy
  • Driving a car- not being attentive and focusing can be responsible for car crashes and put others at risk.

Acknowledging the consequences of your actions for the lack of effort by reflecting on situations where you suffered from mediocrity can be used as motivation to change.

We can recognize something in principle but not in application. A quote that can navigate your mind and thoughts to reality to nail the point of achieving the highest standard in whatever action is:

Your lack of commitment is an insult to the people who believe in you

This reminder provides a mental note for all of us to reflect on our actions to consider if we are doing justice to ourselves, our families and the people who invested in us or if are we comfortable with mediocrity.

Having that constant reminder is important to continuously put us in check.

Mindset — Talent vs hard work

If you keep doing what you have always done, you will get what has always gotten

A mindset is a powerful tool. It either has the potential to propel us towards unleashing our fullest potential or shackle our very essence by limiting us.

An example is a student preparing for an exam who believes that they are incapable of getting a good grade and claiming they cant get better. The adoption of the defeated mindset has limited their potential for achieving greatness.

Consequently, that mindset will shape his actions accordingly to not study, be engaged in their learning and have continuous negative self-beliefs

Once you begin to change that mindset by taking a growth-oriented perspective and removing the shackles of self-imposed limitations to reach your full potential.

Talent can only take you so far, but hard work can take you anywhere

While innate talent can take us only so far, hard work is required to continue that success.

The journey to achieve mastery in your field can be challenging, many do give up because they feel discouraged and frustrated by the difficulty.

However, persevering through hardship and being consistent with your effort are both important combinations to achieve greatness.

When faced with the mental choice or the voice telling you to choose between the easy route and working hard, remember that the latter is the path that leads to success.

Many have given up on their journey, whether that is writing for 30 days consistently, restricting social media usage or going to the gym. However, getting back up from these obstacles is more important rather than drowning in despair.

Embrace Mistakes

Take hold and embrace failure, this is an opportunity for personal development and growth. Mistakes can be difficult to embrace because we feel embarrassed.

This can make us easily fall into a negative mindset and start placing blame on external factors when we face obstacles and failures.

However, we always have a choice: we can either learn from our mistakes and use them as a stepping stone or they can hold us back preventing us from reaching our full potential.

Embracing failure involves taking ownership of our mistakes: which cultivates humility, resilience, and determination to overcome obstacles.

Ultimately, while we may not have control over every outcome, we always have control over our actions and reactions. Having a growth-oriented mindset we can unlock our full potential and achieve greatness in all aspects of life.

Final Thoughts

Everyone is capable of amazing things that are awaiting them however action is required. It you had the ability to create clean water supply for people in developing countries but didn’t act on it. Not only did you waste your potential but could missed an opportunity to create an beneficial impact on the world. This emphasizes why we can’t let yourself or the blessing we have been provided go to waste. Take full advantage by giving it your all!




Written by Ibrahim

I Write about productivity, books and personal development. Join my Weekly Newsletter in my journey to self-improvement:

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